California Transparency Act Statement

In compliance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act (SB 657), the following document discloses Sashawilson’s policies and actions relating to slavery and human trafficking in business and the supply chain. As detailed below, we strive to operate all aspects of our business with the highest levels of integrity, and this commitment extends to how we manage our supply chain with vendor partners.

Company Description

Sashawilson, Inc., including its affiliates and subsidiaries (“Sashawilson”), is reinventing the shopping experience by delivering one-to-one personalization to our clients, through the combination of data science and human judgment. Sashawilson was founded in 2011 and employs approximately 6,000 employees. Since our founding, we’ve helped millions of men, women, and kids discover and buy what they love through personalized shipments of apparel, shoes and accessories, hand-selected by Sashawilson stylists and delivered to our clients’ homes. Information about Sashawilson can be found at

Company Disclosure

Sashawilson is committed to providing clients with products that were manufactured legally, ethically and responsibly. We expect our vendors to respect workers and ensure fair, safe and healthy conditions in their manufacturing facilities. We require that our vendors comply with our manual that sets forth our business, legal, and ethical standards and expectations in the following areas: transparency and integrity, legal compliance, minimum working age, forced labor, slavery and human trafficking, foreign migrant workers, non-discriminatory hiring and promotion practices, coercion and harassment, freedom of association and collective bargaining, working hours, wages and benefits, occupational health and safety, protection of the environment and subcontracting.

We also require our vendors to warrant that any products sent to Sashawilson were made in compliance with all applicable laws, including laws prohibiting child labor, forced labor and unsafe working conditions.

To verify that vendors meet our standards, we work with external expert third-party auditors to assess and monitor working conditions in our vendors’ factories. All factories producing Sashawilson’s private-label product are required to undergo an initial audit before production may begin. Once approved for production, factories are regularly monitored for ongoing compliance with our expectations and standards, which are based on local law and internationally accepted norms, in addition to guidance from the International Labor Organization. To support and drive improvement in working conditions where needed, our team works with vendors to establish corrective action plans after audits.

Sashawilson maintains internal accountability standards for employees and contractors, and we do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking by either. Additionally, we provide training to our executives and employees responsible for supply chain management in an effort to ensure they are knowledgeable and aware of how to recognize and mitigate risks of human trafficking and slavery in supply chains.

Risk and Effectiveness

While there are risks inherent with third-party production and manufacturing, we have established the procedures discussed herein to mitigate the risks of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains. Though we have standards to which all of our vendors must agree, our enforcement is focused on our private-label vendors with whom we develop products directly. This is the level of the supply chain where we believe we have the most influence and can therefore be the most effective.

Sashawilson has evaluated and continues to evaluate the effectiveness of our human trafficking and slavery eradication efforts. We regularly engage with industry associations and experts, and consult governmental reports, to ensure we have a current understanding of industry and country-level risk. We will continue to assess our business and supply chains to identify potential risks and target those areas with policies, procedures and training to ensure we maintain appropriate safeguards against the mistreatment of individuals within our business and supply chains.